Rights Respecting School
We are a Rights Respecting School which means we learn about the UNICEF Conventions of the Rights of the Child and are committed to placing the values and principles of the convention on the rights of the child at the heart of our practise. This means we listen to children's views and include them in decision making. We also integrate the rights of the child into our topic-based curriculum, so children know how their rights are and were or were not respected in the past, and across the world today.
UN Convention on the Rights of the Child
The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, or UNCRC, is the basis of all of UNICEF’s work. It is the most complete statement of children’s rights ever produced and is the most widely ratified international human rights treaty in history.
The Convention has 54 articles that cover all aspects of a child’s life and set out the civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights that all children everywhere are entitled to. It also explains how adults and governments must work together to make sure all children can enjoy all their rights.
Every child has rights, whatever their ethnicity, gender, religion, language, abilities or any other status.
The Convention must be seen as a whole: all the rights are linked and no right is more important that another. The right to relax and play (Article 31) and the right to freedom of expression (Article 13) have equal importance as the right to be safe from violence (Article 19) and the right to education (Article 28).
Rights Respecting Ambassadors
We have Rights Respecting Ambassador from all junior classes. Children from each junior class can apply to become ambassadors, giving their reasons in writing. Each ambassador selected serves 2 years in their post. The ambassadors meet weekly with the Rights Respecting Lead, focussing on projects with both a local and global impact. Some of our projects have included:
Organising an Odd Socks Day as part of Anti-Bullying Week to celebrate our differences and uniqueness
Organising a collection for the Camden based Trussell Trust Food bank
Selling reusable water bottles to encourage everyone to reduce single use plastic
Organising a spin-a-thon and scoot-a-thon to raise money for the Syrian crisis
Hosting a Shoe Share collection in partnership with UNICEF and Clarkes
Our Charters
In every classroom you will see our Class Charters. These have been agreed between all the children and adults that work in each classroom and show the rights and responsibilities we all share.