Home Learning for school closure - January-March 2021

    Home Learning for school closure - January-March 2021

    PLease use the links below to access the home learning resources for your child's class. Read the home learning protocols guidance document for details of what to expect in terms of the home learning during this current school closure. 

    There will be 15 minute zoom sessions Monday to Thursday mornings for each class from Y1 - Y6. Details will be sent out via the school ParentHub app and text. If you have not received the details for your child to join please let the office know as soon as possible.  



    story time at fleet videos

    Year 6 Home Learning Page

    Year 5 Home Learning Page

    Year 4 Home Learning Page

    Year 3 Home Learning Page

    Year 2 Home Learning Page

    Year 1 home Learning Page

    Reception Home Learning Page

    Nursery Home Learning Page

    Update letters sent home


    LETTER TO PARENTS - 24TH FEBRUARY 2021 - reopening 8th March Information






    Activities from Mental Health Awareness Week to support

    Parent and Child Wellbeing Activities - Mental Health Awareness Week

    If you have young children or children with SEND who are finding school closing tricky to understand here is a 'social story' you can go throgh with them to help support their understnading of what will happen in them learning from home. 

    Physical and Mental Wellbeing

    Being away from friends and their usual routine is bound ot be dificult for the children, and adults too. It is improtant that you think about how to maintain a positive attitude and think about how to get exercise when schools are closed. Below are some useful links to support. We are always avaiable over email and phone for any advice or support you might need. 

    Links to Physical and Mental Wellbeing Resources

    Sustrans - Outside in - free resource for parents

    Sustrans Outside In provides fun ideas and inspiration for parents to bring education, health and wellbeing activities into their home.

    Parents can access resources by registering for their free parent newsletter. Over four weeks, they’ll receive weekly videos, themed activities, games and challenges designed by Sustrans' experienced school officers.

    If you think these resources would be useful go to  www.sustrans.org.uk/OutsideIn to sign up.

    More Home Learning Ideas, Resources and Links

    It might help the children to have a timetable you follow each day (similar to what they would have in school). It will help you too! Here is a suggested one that we would use with the younger children and can be easily adpted for older children too. The Home Learning Protocol at the top of this page also includes a suggested timetable for years 1-6. 

    Suggested Daily Timetable

    Many celebrities are doing live events online to support children and help with structuring your day. Click below for some useful links that you may want to build into your children's day if you can:

    Useful Daily Links

    There are some things you can do with your children that can be done by any age and are not specific to year group.


    • read aloud to as many different people as you can from the newspaper, a book, a website etc.
    • Read aloud in a 'character' voice from a story
    • Draw a story map to help retell a story you know or are reading
    • Make stick puppetrs to retell a story and perform the puppet show to your family
    • Find and list words that rhyme
    • Draw and label a scene from your favourite part of a story
    • Collect inspiring ideas from reading for your own writing - phrases or words
    • Find out something new from a non-fiction book - share facts with your family
    • Write a blurb for a book you like or character decription fromt the story


    • Revise any spelling words you have had this year so far in your homelearning journals
    • Revise the sounds you have done in class so far for phonics
    • Take each word from your home learning journal and write each into a sentence - can you create a story with all the words in it?
    • Keep a diary
    • Rewrite part of the story you are reading
    • Write some instructions for something you have done (making a sandwich, helping with dinner etc.)
    • Write a poem on a topic of your choice

    Practical Maths at home

    • Time - reading the clock - adding and taking away time - how long until...how long since...
    • Measuring - kitchen maths - baking and mixing items - using jugs and scales to measure and read scales. Older children can convert between ml and litres, grams and kg etc.
    • Counting - using pasta, grains of rice etc. 
    • Fractions - finding half, quarter etc. - cutting up food, dividing out amounts of things
    • Money - playing shop and counting money

    There is a lot of resources freely available on the internet to support your children's learning, and the documents above make lots of use of these. Also, below are further web based resourecs to support learning that we as a school subscribe to for your children to use. However, we do need to be wary of too much screen time. If you are concerned that your children may go on games on their tablet when you want them to be doing a specific set task there are some steps you can take to restrict access on devices. If your childre would be using an iphone or ipad below is a link to instrcutions on how to limit access to certain apps you choose which you might find helpful.

    Using Guided Access on iphone/ipad


    Online Learning Platforms Free Access for our children

    The children, through school membership, can have access to a number of different online learning platforms and software. PLease encourage them, if they are off, to utilise these and explore. 

    Discovery Education - Espresso: log in at - www.discoveryeducation.co.uk 

    This is a fantastic resource covering all subject areas and inlcudes videos and webpages with information. the 60 seconda daily news update for KS2 children is particularly good. You can serach by subject and Key stage. Well worth a look. Many of the subject specific activities in the year group home learning above will be able to be supported by content found in Espresso. To login in to this the children will need their login details. We will be sending this out in a text message to all families. 

    Mathletics: log in at https://login.mathletics.com/

    This is a great site for practicing all areas of maths and children from Year 1 to Year 5 have their own individual login. For classes with home learning journals the login details are found inside the cover of the these. There is a free app to access it if doing it on an a tablet. If using a computer the web address is shown above.

    London Grid for Learning:  https://www.lgfl.net/learning-resources/grid

    This is a fantastic site that the school subscribes to and comes with lots of amazing resources covering the entire curriculum. It is easily searchable by subject and key stage. The childrne often use the 'Busy Things' activities here and we would recommend if they don't use anything else they use this to practice key skills and learn new ones. Some of the software here requires the children's individual LGfL login to access - this will be sent home to you.