Religious Education


    This policy should be read in conjunction with the Collective Worship policy.

    The aim of our R.E provision at Fleet Primary School is to ensure our children learn about and from different religious and spiritual beliefs and practices and develop a good general knowledge of religions other than their own, as well as understanding where their own beliefs and practices sit within the subject. Children develop knowledge and understanding of Christianity, Islam, Sikhism, Buddhism, Judaism and Hinduism. As a school with a diverse cohort made up of different faith groups, we prioritise fostering respect and sensitivity towards those who follow different faiths. We centre pupil voice and our students are encouraged to share their own beliefs and experiences. Our aim is that our children leave Fleet with an understanding of the different beliefs and practices of these different faith and a respectful attitude towards them.


    R.E. is taught as a discrete subject at least four times in a term. It may be linked to topic where appropriate.

    Topics are allocated to each year group, following the Camden Agreed Syllabus ‘Living Difference’. Teachers then used medium term plans and weekly timetables to ensure termly objectives are covered.

    We believe that learning is more effective when contextualised. Our assemblies are also used as an opportunity for whole school R.E teaching, acknowledging major festivals of those six major world faiths at the appropriate time in the calendar.

    We provide a rich and diverse range of learning experiences for the children. Each half term, one day is devoted to learning about a key religious festival. These are scheduled so that each of those six world religions get a day a year. The day includes either a visit to a local place of worship or a visitor from a local place of worship. When possible, the kitchen will provide a themed lunch. A follow up activity is then completed in class. This may be linked to the topic where appropriate.

    Co=Ordination and Moderation

    R.E Education throughout the school is co-ordinated by Sinead Costelloe. Sinead co-ordinates with the curriculum lead, Oona Matheson, after each book scrutiny to monitor the teaching of R.E. Her role entails organising outside visitors and visits, assisting with the Assembly calendar and giving support to colleagues as appropriate.


    The vast majority of resources are stored centrally, in the resources room in labelled cupboards. Staff should notify the co-ordinator of any extra resources required.


    Throughout their time at Fleet, children will:

    • Enquire: ask questions about religion and discover different aspects, including: places of worship, symbols of worship, and key vocabulary
    • Contextualise: root their learning in an understanding of how different people celebrate their religions and how the subject knowledge holds meaning for different people
    • Communicate: as their learning about a religion builds, children can create links with their prior knowledge. Children can reflect on their own views and explain how others hold different beliefs and practices
    • Evaluate: children will compare different religions and examine different ways people reflect. They will identify similarities and differences with their own beliefs.